This weekend a buddy of mine here in the city invited me to attend a midnight screening of a 2003 movie that is suddenly making noise in L.A. and NYC. The Room is a low budget film with a high budget marketing plan and failed miserably. But now, with the blessings of Paul Rudd and other high profile comedians, this flick is awesomely bad to watch with a crowd, and gives Plan 9 From Outer Space a run for its money for the title of 'worst movie ever made'.
On my way to the theatre, I stopped at a local bodega and bought a six pack of Bud tall boys because I was not sure what to expect of the event about to take place, and beer makes everything a little better. When I arrive to the theatre, there are roughly 500 people in line and buzzing with excitement. Most of the crowd looked as if they rode the L train from Brooklyn, you know, the artsy-fartsy type, which made the assumption that I might need beer even more relevant.
When we sat down, the producer and star of the movie, Tommy Wiseau, walked into the front of the theatre, thanked us for coming, answered questions, and then went on to recite a Shakespearean sonnet.
The crowd during the movie was very active. Whether slapping around beachball-sized footballs, throwing plastic spoons at the screen over and over, or screaming Alcatraz (multiple times the movie randomly showed the island prison, though the movie takes place in San Fran, Alcatraz has absolutely nothing to do with the plot), there was always something going on that the crowd could laugh and poke fun at.
Though they are only doing shows in LA and NYC, I expect this movie to catch on all over America in the next couple of years, and I look forward to receiving my copy I bought on Amazon.com.
Enjoy these classic scenes...
Movie looks incredible... But I highly doubt it can top a scene like this one.