Ashley Judd
Ok with all of these rumors and nonsense flying around about the coaching position at Kentucky I thought that this weeks QV would maybe get our minds off of it for a couple minutes but like all the others I've gotten sucked back in and decided to follow the theme this week. So this weeks QV goes to actress Ashley Judd, age 40. The famed Kentucky Basketball fanatic is a no brainer. It also might be an omen that she just turned 40 several months ago qualifying her for this honor during this week. She's the type of QV that no matter how things are going in the season she always going to be the one telling you to keep your head up and there is plenty of time left to turn the season around(get that body right just in time for beach season). She's the one who believes it's not over till the clock hits triple zero and that tanking it to get a better draft pick is unacceptable. While the game is out of reach and everyone is else cheesing it up on the bench talking about next week she is reminding you that there is still 1:03 on the clock and you are only up 48. Just the kind of girl I want keeping my rookies heads in the game and to remind them to keep grinding. I'll be honest I've always thought she was a tad overrated but any girl looks better in blue. Am I right fellas?
You have no idea how many times I've stared at this picture and just wanted to, well, nevermind...