We know Facebook has helped police solve all sorts of crimes, from burglary to vandalism.
But did you know it’s also being used to fight a far more pernicious crime? No, not child sex abuse.
Underage drinking.
Apparently, a college student in Wisconsin accepted a Facebook friend request from a cute girl he didn’t know. Shortly thereafter, he got ticketed for underage drinking on the basis of a picture he’d posted of himself holding a beer–in his own home, no less.
True, it’s not smart to post pictures of yourself doing something illegal, even if it’s something pretty tame. (Some of the other kids caught in the same Facebook sting were ticketed based on photos someone else posted, though.) And if you do post those pictures, you shouldn’t accept friend requests from people you don’t know, even if they’re cute.
But for Pete’s sake–there has got to be something else these cops could be doing with their time.
To all you college Fixers, take notice to this. Talk about blueballs via the world wide web. Everytime a hot girl adds me on facebook that I don't know or remember, I automatically think she is one of three things: A spring break pregnancy, a chick who was ugly in high school that I didn't notice and now she wants to flaunt her shit in my face because she did a 180 and I'm just some dickhead with a keyboard, or it's some random girl in the area that I have a shot at making some bad decisions with.
Now dudes have to worry about this shit. They are probably doing the same for guys who are over 21 and asking them if they would buy beer and cigs for them. One minute you are buying cherry vodka in a driv-thru and the next thing you know you're finding out the hot chick is the 'Robin' to Chris Hanson's 'Batman' and before you know it you are in prison getting butt-raped.
This whole internet generation is starting to blow if you ask me.
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