Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thirsty Thursdays- Melt Your Fucking Face Off.
8 Days to Christmas
Remember The Morganfield/Jerry Springer Post?!?!
Well it appears that the Dog Warden of Union County Kentucky really does exist. Earlier in the week I told you that I was a dog lover so sign me the fuck up! How do I get this job? Are you born into it, do they vote you in, or is it like the Supreme Court and you can't get in until the present Dog Warden dies? I hope it's not the latter, because I will slice some throats if it gets me a seat in the Dog Warden throne!!! I need some answers here. Sounds like the most bad ass job someone could have in Union County actually.
**Big ups to Nathan from the Hills and Hollers of Sturgis.
Filly of the Day (Pecker edition)
Websites That Make The Internet Pretty Sweet: People of 'The' Wal-Mart.
No morning post.. But will have a Thirsty Thursdays video, nonetheless.
I like this website a lot, but none of the stuff on it really surprises me. I've been going to 'The' Wal-Mart my whole life and have seen some outrageous shit that could trump whatever you see on the peopleofwalmart site. And I say 'The' Wal-Mart because that's what a lot of skanky people like to call it. Hey, I don't make the rules, I just dominate shit.
People of The Wal-Mart
Since it's getting close to the holidays I'll even throw in something extra. When you are home for Christmas and get tired of Bloody Mary's and A Christmas Story marathon, head to your local Wal-Mart and see if you can complete a Wal-Mart bingo card. If all else fails, buy a couple of shotguns, saw the barrel in half and see if you can get yourself into our Hard Rollers hall of fame.
Wal-Mart Bingo Card
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Who Would You Rather Bone: Hilton Edition
Nikki vs Paris. I'd love to spend one night in either one of their sausage slots but if I've got to choose one and I'm going with Nikki. Paris is a little too whorish, hence the commercial where she washes/dry humps a Bentley all while keeping a giant burger intact. If I've told ya once I've told you a million times, only whores do burger commercials for Hardee's. Plus she usually has really short hair, and girls with short hair kinda creep me out. Nikki. All day. No rub. Final answer.
Who ya got Fix?
Does This Chick Who Called A Married Couple 6 Times Demanding A Threesome Role Hard?
Waterbury- A Waterbury woman has been charged with repeatedly calling a local female resident to demand that she and her husband join her in a sexual "threesome."
Anna Bambino, 30, of Pierpont Road, Waterbury, was charged Friday with breach of peace.
She was released on a written promise to appear in court.
Bambino called the couple's home about a half-dozen times, police said. Bambino, who is acquainted with the Monroe woman through a mutual friend, in each of the calls suggested the woman and her husband have three-way sex with her, police said
After officers confronted Bambino, she confessed to making the calls, police said. However, she claimed to have been intoxicated at the time, according to the police report.
I'm gonna go ahead and throw some facts out there:
- Chick is a lesbian and not the kind you want to play hide the bologna with.
- Chick was drunk.
- Chick obviously knew and was attracted to this couple.
- This ain't her first rodeo.
- If you told me to draw a picture of a butch chick with the last name 'Bambino' on a blank piece of paper, the above picture is what would have been my final product. No doubt.
All of the above concocts a recipe for disaster/great story. Throw in some Mad Dog 20/20 and it is 100% guaranteed to become a shit show. When I worked at a liquor store back in college a guy used to come through every day and buy two bottles of MD2020 and would open it up before he even gave me the buck .05 he owed me for it. A couple of months later he drove by, got his MD was arrested in the back parking lot of our store for DUI and trying to pick up a prostitute. All because of a couple of sips of purple Mad Dog. Shit is lethal. I don't fuck with it because I do weird enough shit as it is, I don't need help.
Anyway... we all know what Mad Dog can do. That's not the scary part. The scary part is that thing that is drinking the Dog. Where the fuck did she come from? If I had to choose between getting in a bed and have rough sex with her or Rampage Jackson, I say bring on Rampage. No way I'm letting Anna Bambino or her trucker's hat get close to Captain Clown Dog (that's what I call mine). The picture alone gave me terrible nightmares.
With all the circumstances, it's hard to say if Ms. Bambino really rolls hard because Mad Dog had a lot to do with it. The fact that their was very little detail about the conversation she had with them doesn't do her any justice, either. But I bet it had something to do with an executioners mask, Sweet and Sour chicken, a spiked baseball bat and some fuzzy hand cuffs just to mix it up a little bit. Throw in the classic Hard Rolling paraphernalia of some sawed off shotguns and you have yourself a winner. But Anna is leaving the Fix with a HR rating of 4.
Come a little harder next time, bitch.
Websites That Make The Internet Pretty Sweet: Awkward Family Photos- 2 Sites!
This is a great website to waste some time on as they are putting up seasonal pictures just in time for the holidays.
Welcome to the fucking carnival.
Had enough? No? Stuff your jolly ass with this similar site.
9 Days to Christmas
A Guy Who Doesn't Really Look Like Tiger Woods... Is Tiger Woods.
The only good thing that is going to come out of this whole Tiger scandal are funny videos. This is probably one of the biggest if not THE biggest scandals to ever come out of sports, he is/was the most dominant athlete that the world has ever seen, and though he put all of this on himself, we are all now succumbed to watch fat old white men golfing again like the pre-Tiger renaissance. No more outrageous chip shots with the crowd going wild and Tiger doing his signature fist pump and no more heroic major wins like the PGA Championship on a broken leg. I hope I'm wrong, but I believe this is the sad ending of the Tiger era and though he will come back, I just don't see him coming back as great as we knew him before the whores and Ambien bonin'. But who knows, I mean, he still is Tiger Woods.
Extra: Tiger is now being linked to a Canadian doctor who is well known for supplying Performance Enhancing Drugs to professional athletes. This may just be the tip of the proverbial iceberg for Eldrick. If Tiger would have spent a little more time in the 80's watching WWF like The Pecker instead of wasting his time practicing golf he would have known better than to fuck with the Canadians when this guy roaming around and bustin' heads.
Hump Day Porn Star Of The Week: Priya Rai

Good Moonin' folks, good moonin'. As you rub out those little eye boogers you might notice that we went a little exotic with todays HDPSOTW. Her name is Priya Rai, she's an Indian (dot, not feather) she is new to the porn industry, and she's hotter than Pheonix in July. Enjoy.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Third Lew's Pic Corrected
Santa Caught Drunk. Little Girl Screws Herself.

Officers ticketed 55-year-old Thomas Arnold of Sparta for having an open beer in a car. The man driving that car, 47-year-old Kevin Arnold, was arrested for OWI.
"He smelled like alcohol. So I knew it wasn't the real Santa because Santa doesn't drink alcohol," says 9-year-old Katie Dockerty.
Katie says the Santa that ended up in her lawn was loud and had really dirty hands. She says he tried to put his hat on her little sister. Six-year-old Zoe describes him in one word: “Drunk."
"He was yelling at them 'have you seen my reindeer? If you see my reindeer, call me right away,’" says Tina Reinart, the girls’ mom.
Reinart called the police instead.
Pecker Gets His Internet Working. GAME ON!

Filly of the Day
14, 13, 12, 11, and 10 days to Christmas
Item for day #14, a beer holster. If you've ever been in the situation where you need both of your hands but still want to take that beer along with you, get this baby. The price is $50 but it'd be well worth the sacrifice if you're wanting to feel both of those Filly's titty balls at once and still have your beer at your side.

Happy Tuesday.. I Hate Kittens!
Surprised Kitty - Watch more Funny Videos
Good morning there.. I know this video has been out for a couple of weeks now and I didn't want to talk about it, but the fact that people are still raving about this kitten really chaps my ass. Mainly because in exactly one year this little fucker is gonna be scratching the shit out of everything in sight and hissing at dogs trying to fight them and shit. I've never met a cat that I trusted including this one. Yeah so you can act all cute and surprised so you put it on youtube for the world to see but I ain't buying it. You're probably planning a scheme to steal all of our Christmas presents as we speak. Get over yourself, cat.
Trying to get back in the groove of things this week so expect posts every couple of hours. My internet is down at my apt so don't think you're gonna get any late night lovin' unless T-Bone crashes the party.
PS. Dogs rule.
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Pecker Tries New Music: Cage The Elephant

Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Uploaded by UniversalMusicGroup. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.
Excuse The Week Long Hiatus: Let's Do Some Monday Mornin' Shit: UPDATED
If you think I got lazy and ran out of shit, I didn't. You probably think the whole apology I just gave was a load of bullshit.. But the picture below is proof that things got weird last week around The Pecker's household.

Incase you didn't know, this chest hair belongs to The Third Lew. He is the hippy who stayed in my apartment for 5 days. On Wednesday night he got hammered and though he would pay tribute to his Kentucky Wildcats after their win over UConn at MSG, luckily for me he let someone do this to him around 5:30 in the morning and turned my couch into a chest hair barber shop. It's supposed to be a UK sign but I convinced Lew that it looks more like the 'guy falling down on a wet floor sign'. He immediately regretted his decision after my comments. Go Cats.
Hilarious DUI Test - Watch more Funny Videos
Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Predictions Predictions

15 Days to Christmas
Filly of the Day
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
16 Days to Christmas
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Dont get the Flu Shot!
Just A Heads Up.
Just so you know I'm not trying to pull a Dave Chapelle and stop everything I'm doing, I've been pretty busy and have actually been sick all day and don't feel like writing for you. Hopefully T Bone is spreading his young blogger wings and learning to fly all while stealing your hearts right from under me, but if not, well I don't know what to tell ya. Go hang out at Always takes my mind off important shit.
I hope to get feeling better tomorrow and finish the week strong. If you don't know who tomorrow's 'HDPSOTD' is, well I guess you either don't watch the news or you don't follow the awesome life of Tiger Woods.
Have a great day! I'm gonna leave you with a joke I made up the other day.