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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Modern Practical Etiquette

This will be either the first, or the last, of a series of posts about acceptable behavior of men in our society. For those less cultured, these posts will be glorified rants, but for those who observe what I describe, I believe these thoughts will be as liberating as they will be entertaining. At least that's the idea:

These days, it's difficult to distinguish between the real and the surreal. In a world of man scaping and Kenny Chesney wearing skinny jeans, modern American men have seemingly sold their souls to the Devil himself for an extra glance from a female at a bar. While I get this so called "Peacock Theory" (e.g.: lime green polo shirts with bright yellow shorts,) there is a fine line between confidence and emasculation.

Let me begin by saying this: boys, we have created this problem ourselves. We let other men get away with said monstrosities in the name of tolerance. Men have teased one another out of bad habits for centuries, but, for whatever reason, we have stood idly by as other men have gotten spray tans, worn makeup, and drank mango cosmopolitans in public. It is 2009. We have an African American President. We can pause, rewind, and fast forward live TV. I think it is time we rid ourselves of some of the ills in our society of brothers. In the name of progress, hear my cry.

1. No more buying women drinks at the bar. This may catch some of you by surprise, but it doesn't work. In the pursuit of female acceptance, we have equated the purchase of spirits with feeding parking meters. In your mind, you are buying more minutes with a member of the opposite sex, in her mind, you are proving exactly what she suspected: that you're Richie Cunningham. Now, there are exceptions: if said woman is your significant other, or if you are making up for a mistake. For example, if you spill your drink on her, or if you spill her drink, by all means, proceed. However, if you are merely attempting to further a conversation, don't. do. it. Period. Ask if she wants a drink, and order a water. It will demonstrate your frugality and show that you refuse to be intimidated by her looks.

2. Stop with the 'funny' graphic tees. You have a sense of humor and you want everyone else to know it. We get it. You might as well wear a shirt that screams "I just threw away $20 so that you could assume I read on a fifth grade level." If it's a fraternity rush shirt, and you're still in your first three years of undergrad, you get a pass. However, if the shirt displays regional humor, then you may actually give off a "I like it here" vibe, and I am all for that. But the "That's What She Said" shirt has got to go.

3. Don't wear tennis shoes with jeans unless you are Jerry Seinfeld. If you have to ask what the exceptions are to this rule, then just follow the rule of zeros, and don't.

4. Listening to your iPod on the way to class, good. Everyone else listening to your iPod on the way to class, unacceptable. If I wanted to listen to LFO, I would call Doc Brown, get the DeLorean, and travel back to the eighth grade and watch TRL with Carson Daly. You got a better shot at hitting the Power Ball, pal. So keep those buds at an appropriate level, and listen to what you want, just don't encroach on the ears of others.

Hate it or love it, these are social ills. If we work together, we can, by some chance, get our world back to normal by just doing our small part. If you see a perceived injustice occurring, stop and ask yourself, "Would LeBron James do this?" If the answer is no, you have an ethical obligation to point out any wrongdoing. Don't blame me for telling the truth, we can only blame ourselves for the sorry state of affairs we see today.


  1. This has been a problem that has really taken over the city of Lexington. I guess some guys are really into fashion or whatever, but sometimes its just too much. A trip to Keeneland to see the array of queer baits sporting their new shirt and plaid pants with a whale on it (no offense Lew) will leave a normal dude astounded.
    The only time I have a problem with it is when somebody holds the rest of crew because they are switching shirts or ironing pants.
    Maybe I'm uncooth or whatever but give me a Polo I've had since the seventh grade (that's right ladies) and some dirty jeans and I'm ready to go.
    Thank you Sir Tuna

  2. What is wrong with the Graphic Tee? I have to wear a collared shirt to work every day, and as soon as you get out of college mode and into the real world, that will be casual compared to most jobs. I agree with getting rid of the 'funny' T's, those are just ridiculous, but don't clump them all into one pile man!

    Graphic Tee's are great, tastefully done of course, and gives you a chance to lose the collar for a night. And believe me, that Polo from back in the day will lose its appeal... be ready

  3. Although I do own a pair of plaid pants and a pair of pants with whales on them, i do not, however, own a pair with both. And for the record, buying drinks for girls does work..sometimes...

  4. no jeans with sneakers?...disagree with you on that one. for the rest, i say you're pretty much dead-on

  5. I rock the sneakers with jeans daly.

  6. Solid write up... Welcome to the fam Tunafish!

  7. now i dont know what to wear with tennis shoes... please help me.

  8. graphic + tee = douche.

  9. 1st off, let me say that I love any post with an LFO shout-out.

    Secondly, let me say that buying drinks for ladies is the only way to go. As long as you get the bitch to buy you one later!
