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Friday, October 23, 2009

Bitch Principal Cancels Recess

VILLA HILLS, Ky. (AP) — Coyotes spotted on the playground of a northern Kentucky school this week caused officials to hold recess indoors.
River Ridge Elementary School principal Shawna Harney sent a letter home on Wednesday, to tell parents what happened and to make them aware for the children’s safety at home.
Harney told The Kentucky Enquirer no children were on the playground when two coyotes were seen Wednesday morning. The school is in Villa Hills, near the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport.
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources says coyotes are well established in the state.

Listen fixers, when I was in K-6th grade, I cared about two things while at school. Chicken rings for lunch on Wednesday and recess. That's it. No fucking questions asked. And if either of those were taken away from me when I was that age, I would have either transfered schools or threatened to kill the entire kindergarten class. I've never met principal Harney, but she can go fuck herself for all I care. What's next Shawna, no paper football in the lunchroom because some kid got his eye poked out?? I'm all for safety, but one little pussy ass coyote is the least of these kids concerns, so let the little bastards decide for themselves if they should go to recess or not.
This is just typical northern Kentucky behavior though. Snobby bitch gets all high and mighty because she kissed enough ass to land a principals job and she thinks she runs shit. Go stuff your fat ass with some more Skyline chili, dickhead.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly saw a ci-yote walking next to the expressway early this morning on the way home from Mt Adams. First thought: THAT is the biggest dawg I've eva seen. Second thought: This cab driver is high as a mug. Third thought: I'd rather it be a coyote than the Cougar that escaped from the zoo and mauled The Pecker's aunt on WKU's campus.
