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Friday, October 23, 2009

Ice Skating Bear Kills Trainer

MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- A bear on ice skates attacked two people during rehearsals at a circus in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, killing one of them, Kyrgyz officials said Friday.
In the incident, which happened Thursday, the 5-year-old animal killed the circus administrator, Dmitry Potapov, and mauled an animal trainer, who was attempting to rescue him.
"The incident occurred during a rehearsal by the Russian state circus company troupe which was performing in Bishkek with the program, Bears on Ice," Ministry of Culture and Information director Kurmangazy Isanayev told reporters.
It is unclear what caused the bear to attack Potapov, 25, nearly severing one of his legs while dragging him across the ice by his neck. Medical personnel were unable to save Potapov, who died at the scene.
The 29-year-old circus trainer Yevgeny Popov, who attempted to rescue Potapov, was also severely injured, according to doctors.
"The victim has sustained serious injuries - deep scalp lacerations, bruising of the brain, lacerations on his body. His condition is considered critical," Dr. Gulnara Tashibekova told reporters on Russian state television.
After the incident, the circus was cordoned off by police and emergency service workers. Experts have been brought in to examine the bear, which was shot and died at the scene.
Russia has a long-standing tradition of training bears to perform tricks such as riding motorcycles, ice skating, and playing hockey. Fatal attacks are unusual.

I'm all for entertainment, but isn't it about fucking time we get rid of the god damn circus. I've never been to a circus, probably never will go to one. The only way I'm going to a circus is if this shit happens every time. If someone asked, "Hey Pecker, you wanna go to the circus and see a man get mauled by Jo Jo the ice skating, murdering bear?" You're god damn right I do. Sign me up. I'll camp out for a ticket like the creeps from Big Blue Madness in Lexington, KY. What dipshit thought it would be a good idea to take a fucking bear out of the wilderness and turn it into Wayne Gretsky, anyway? Dude deserves to get his face ripped off.
Anyway, big ups this bear. The guy can ice skate. I bet he gets more bear ass than Yogi. Those chick-bears are only used to seeing their dude-bears eat, sleep and shit, then this son of a bitch comes in with ice skates on and changes the whole game. Last time The Pecker tried to ice skate, I ripped a hole in my brand new jeans and tore my ACL, and that was before I bloodied my nose.

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