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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2012: What's all the fuss about?

With the release of the new 2012 movie coming out this November, and the actual year 2012 right around the corner, I'm sure most of you out there have heard at least a little something about this controversal subject, often referred to as the "End of the World." Some point to the predictions by Nostradamus as "proof" the end is near, some will argue that a Comet is destined to hit planet Earth around the time of 2012, and of course there are the constant threats of WW3 and the infamous 'Jesus is Coming' signs in every front yard in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky to keep us all in fear of the upcoming years.

Well, obviously no one fucking knows what's going to happen, but I for one, find it kind of interesting to look up all the different theories when I'm gettin' high or whatever. The most interesting theory I've read and researched is the Mayan Calendar coming to an end in 2012.
The Mayans were some intelligent people, considering the age they lived in and lack of equipment they had to observe space. They were able to understand the patterns of the stars and the universe, and found out exactly where they were in what they considered, the evolution of Earth. Who knows if their ideas were/are true or not, but they will definitely make you think. So without bias or my own personal opinion, here is what the Ancient Mayans had to say: 

There are 9 stages in the Evolution of Awareness, which is the explination for their pyramid (see pic above) having 9 levels. To complete each stage, Earth must pass through 7 days and 6 nights, a total of 13 different changes.
*NOTE: In some stages, the "days and nights" last millions of years, in others such as the time we're living in now, changes happen much faster, even less than 360 days. 

Earth was created 16.4 Billion years ago. The first era was known as the  Cellular Stage: everything was action, reaction. There was no thinking and this was the stage that produced the miracle of life. *Each Day and Night lasted 1.26 Billion years 
(1.26 Bill. x 13 = 16.4 Billion) 

The next stage occurred ABOUT 820 Million years ago. This was the Plant Stage: Also produced crustaceans, fish, reptiles, dinosaurs, and mammals. This is the age where individuals seperated from their previous flocks, herds or schools. *Days and Nights lasted 63.4 million years in this era. 
(63.4 mill. x 13 = about 820 million years) 

Next, 41 million years ago, Family Stage: The idea of families and interpersonal communication evolved. *Major changes occurred every 3.2 million years

Approx. 2 million years ago, Tribal Stage: Family groups organized into tribes. *160,000 years for each Day and Night.

102,000 years ago, we entered the Cultural Stage: They say this is when we learned to speak to each other and created explinations for things such as the stars, rain, and fire. *8,000 years for Days and Nights.

Then in 3115 BC we came into the National Stage: This is coincidentally the same time frame as the birth of Egypt, the first recognized currency (bronze), and also the first developed language. 

The Next stage occurred in 1765 and was known as the Planetary Stage: In this stage, we have the Industrial Revolution, Declaration of the U.S., and the idea of "Knowledge is Power."

The Next stage in the Mayan Calendar, which is written in stone, thousands of years ago, started on January 5, 1999 and it was called the Galactic Stage: This was written by the Mayans to be an age of ethics and morals regulated by laws. Now we can see that this was the year of the introduction of the Euro and lots of crazy technology that has continued to develop ever since. We are still in this era today, and changes are happening much faster now. Changes that used to take millions of years, are now taking less than 360 days according to the Mayans.

The final stage the Mayans predicted was the Universal Stage: It begins on February 10, 2011 and is supposed to come to an "end" on October 28, 2011. Now all these dates are relative and are not exactly translated into the 365 day Gregorian Calendar which we adopted in 1582, but they have to be considered pretty accurate judging by what has happened throughout history... 

In closing, let's remember that no one fucking knows what's going to happen in the next 100 years. I like to refer to the old proverb by the big man Buddha who said, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." 
Good advice to live by.

On a side note, the Mayans also predicted the Cats to beat the shit out of Notre Dame tonight by 57,000 points...


  1. The Mayans were aliens... I read it... In a book.

  2. I want to be a Mayan when I grow up.

  3. I was kind of freaked out when I saw this post. I was reading about 2012 (out of boredom) yesterday. I'm glad to see I'm not the only loser who is interested in this stuff. However I will not see the movie because it has John Cusack as the star, and it looks terrible. Peace.

  4. since the Mayans were wrong about the Cats beating Notre Dame does that mean i can live a few more years?

  5. yeah lew, i don't believe the world's going to end in our lifetime, I'm just letting you know what those stoners said. that john denver is full of shit
