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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hey Ref, I've Got Two Words For Ya'

I'll go ahead and let you know that this post is nothing more than a personal rant that many on this blog and throughout the world probably agree whole-heartedly with. I hate refs. I hate umpires. I hate sideline judges or anyone else who "makes calls" in a game. I can't help it either. They aren't even competing in the game and have more say over who wins and loses than the actual players do most of the time. Doesn't that sound a bit ridiculous?

That alone is enough to send me into a pissed off death spiral, but the problem is growing worse and worse.

Even in the aninimoty of an intramural basketball game the refs can completely and utterly ruin everything which is where this rant is currently gaining all of its traction from. These people determine who will win and lose by simply calling three traveling violations in a row against the team that your friends are facing. I hate them.

I've had my times at Rupp Arena screwed by the refs. A little tip: I didn't drive to Lexington, pay my way into the game, and tune up the vocal cords TO SEE YOU REF A FUCKING GAME! Basketball is such a free flowing sport that it needs to be allowed to build into some kind of pace. I can't very well watch Patrick Patterson (who I paid the aformentioned $ to see) be a beast if he is sitting on the bench because an old white guy decided he posted up too hard. We can't enjoy the annual "Dream Game" with a hand check being called every 15 seconds. Its impossible.

Everything these people do is completely subjective. Unless its a call out of bounds, and that's never perfect either, you have to depend on the decision of a butt smuggler who isn't playing to make the right call. Here is a call to all the refs in the world, go sit on a fence post. The fact that they can only base their calls on their judgment is the epitome of retardedness.

Say for instance you are on the Daly Fix softball team where you have the obvious advantages in talent and stunning good looks. The other team is facing the firing squad that is your lineup and one S. Jarret belts a ding-dang-donger into center field. This brings everyone home including the dot. However, because the refs are friends with the losing team they hede their advice when they say that the dot never tagged any number of bases. Did the refs even see this infraction? NO. Did they care to think maybe the other team wasn't telling the truth? NO They decided to stick it to Team Fix and leave the scoreboard a little less full and our buzzes a little toned down. For shame.

Now I know what you're saying, "Kyle these are sports, not 'Nam, there are rules." I acknowledge that, but don't totally buy it. You don't have to make calls. There isn't a certain quota refs have to fill. They can just stop. But they don't so I will continue to be pissed off.

Feel free to leave some bitter reffing moments in the comment section, and to all the refs and umpires of the world...Suck it.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle I remember back in 5th grade when you were bitching about some Ref who got up close and personal with you during a game...wait that could have been the story about you and that priest in Hendo during confession.
