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Friday, February 20, 2009

Win or Lose We Still Booze (Click this Headline)

A day late and a lot of entertainment value short the picks are back and better than EVA. It seems like karma has been hounding me all week, first with the whole referee bashing post, and then the actual bashing the refs of the Cats v Vandy game put on my hind parts. Nonetheless the fix prevails and remains the most dominant force in the history of the internet (and soon the universe).

*A small side bar before we get into anything, but doesn't it seem like the creative juices flow much freer after a long night of heavy boozing and lady schmoozing? It worked for Hemmingway and by god the authors here at the fix are doing all we can to ensure we keep our heads in the clouds with our fingers on the keyboard.

As many of you might have guessed while reading through the picks from week to week there always seems to be a slight undertone of nerd silently seeping from the pores. Alliteration aside, we do our fair share to give this website at least some modicum of intelligent throught. That being said the first link today takes us south of the border to the Crystal Cave of Niaca. This isn't any kind of new discovery, but seems to have slipped through the cracks (no pun intended) when it comes to natural wonders of the world. The cavern is far below a mountain and was filled with water before the Mexicans (and Micheal Phelps) drained it and put it in their bongs. The pocket of superheated water contained minerals which throughout time have hardened into gypsum and created what has to be the most spectacular underground formations ever discovered. Worth a look.

The next pick this week is another oldie but goodie. What many who read this blog already knew ESPN's Scoop Jackson writes about while describing his version of heaven (which also happens to be a basketball gym in western Kentucky). It really is a great read and also pimps a future Wildcat so what isn't there to love about it?

With the Oscars coming up I've been contemplating all week whether or not to give a recommendation to see a nominated film. I quickly realized that I haven't been inside a movie theater for a little under six months and decided to just choose something I read that has been turned into a movie. That leads us to the double pick of "The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford." Whenever I first picked up the book I didn't know that Brad Pitt had just made a movie based on the text and was a little disappointed that something I was about to fill my brain with could be diluted into a Brad Pitt acted film. I was sorely mistaken on both counts. The book is great and the movie is as well. If you don't read well (and I know many fix members do not) the movie is a very good adaptation of the book. Cody, you can take my word for it.

The "Morton's Gap Whatever its called Strip Club" lady of the week almost became Stacy Keebler again simply because of my now strange infatuation with her. But under the guise of hope, change, and pending restraining orders I have chosen another timeless beauty to fill our computer screens. Enjoy the objectification.

That's all for now and hopefully some other posters will make it out of their hangover-induced coma to make sure this post isn't lonlier than the Butt on Valentine's Day. Have a good week and stay safe this weekend.

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