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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It really isn't tricking if you've got it

This week's edition of the picks is coming to you from the wind-blown daly fix headquarters in the bussling metropolis that is Evansville, IN. After a weekend of fun and frivolity in Lexington, the picks are coming at you with a few less brain cells than were available before the debauchery the members of the "fix" imposed on the streets and women of the commonwealth.

I wanted to start off this weeks picks with one from the boob tube. Whether you have Showtime or not, they are showing a Paul Mooney stand-up (where he actually just stays seated the whole time) and it is in a word: money. Probably better known to the readers of this blog as the guy who was on the Chappelle Show's "Ask a Black Guy" his comedy routine is undeniably one of the greatest. The show is called, "Paul Mooney: Know Your History," and it does not disappoint. So while you are up at 1am "doing your homework" check it out on demand or something.

A couple of articles this week and they have absolutely nothing to do with one another. The first is a link detailing the rivalry between Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur. Started out friends, became enemies, and wound up dead may sound like a normal relationship between a writer on this site and a female, but the fact that it happened to the greatest rappers ever is unbelievable to me. While I don't claim to know all the facts I just don't see why two grown men couldn't set aside their differences before they killed themselves. I guess it's just a different mentality that a white kid from western Kentucky can't relate with.
The next is a little more intriguing for me personally, and I didn't want to disappoint the intellectual giants that read the picks from week to week. This is an arguement from economist Ludwig Von Mises that basically states why there can't be economic calculations in a socialist economy. Now believe me I don't expect you to read all of that mess, and I didn't read all of it either, but you should at least come away with what the man is saying. That since government doesn't have the right incentives to make money and set fair prices then they cannot set a market value for the things they would own in a socialist economy. Something to think about with the bailout being shoved up your anus.

The "Spearmint Rhino" lady of the week may be the picks all time loveliest lovely. She makes my head spin and I would gladly sell every writer of this blog to a Chinese slavery ring to spend a couple of minutes with her.

The joke of the week is: Lebron is better than Kobe. That one had me laughing for awhile.

Alright I've wasted enough time and space on here. I'll leave you with an age old proverb that Butt "She'll probably need a wheelchair" Stephens and myself debate to this day: Guys don't make passes at girls with fat asses. Have a good week and stay safe.

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